Ministerial Services Offered
"Meaningful advice and guidance available here!"
In addition to the art and art services, I also offer advice and guidance to individuals and groups. This is basically a free offering as part of my ministry. Along with others, I am pioneering a new economic model that has philanthropy, kindness and generosity at the core, with means for reasonable financial support (art sales and donations to the ministry) in its right place. And even though the art is a part of the ministry, serving to inspire people to their Divine Nature, it is more tangible and warrants financial exchange.
If you feel the need for some spiritual/life guidance and feedback, you are welcome to contact me. Email is best to start and then in person or phone or Skype.
One of the primary services offered is introduction to and guidance through the Gene Keys Golden Path. You can learn more and sign up for this amazing life changing process here: Gene Keys Golden Path.
If you feel the need for some spiritual/life guidance and feedback, you are welcome to contact me. Email is best to start and then in person or phone or Skype.
One of the primary services offered is introduction to and guidance through the Gene Keys Golden Path. You can learn more and sign up for this amazing life changing process here: Gene Keys Golden Path.
Various Services and Offerings by Awaken Truth Ministry:
- Inspirational Artwork
- One-on-One Spiritual Guidance
- Conflict mediation
- Higher Purpose clarification
- Relationship guidance
- Help with addiction and bad habits
- Breakthrough despair, burn-out, feeling lost, stuck, etc.
- How your energy is best utilized / efficiency
- Sound Advice
- Presentations/Talks
- Ceremonies (see wedding ceremony video)
- Events
- Workshops
- Community Center and Services (to come)
Donations to Awaken Truth Ministry of AIWP
Your financial assistance makes it possible to promote the growth of Awaken Truth Ministry of AIWP so that we can fulfill our mission. We sincerely thank everyone who supports our work through financial gifts, in-kind contributions, and donations. All of which are fully tax deductible. We are truly grateful for your support.
Your donations help to pay for such expenses as:
. Please provide your name and address so that an IRS charitable-contribution letter can be sent to you for your records. Thank you.
Your donations help to pay for such expenses as:
- Administrative costs
- Website costs
- Advertising
- Legal and professional services
- Equipment
- Newsletters
- Gatherings, special events, and meetings
- Miscellaneous expenses
. Please provide your name and address so that an IRS charitable-contribution letter can be sent to you for your records. Thank you.
AIWP Credo
LOVE OF LIFE and people is achieved through an integrated awakening of physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional processes. Life itself is a religious experience as realized in the temple of my being. I am performing a religious service when my thoughts and deeds involve an affirmation of life. My congregation is both myself and those who seek my support in striving towards an integration of the whole person. To serve others, for fee or gratuity, who seek my assistance in the pursuit of this religious experience is both my commitment and my right, free from any persecution. My service is supported by the Association for the Integration of the Whole Person in agreement of principles with the Constitution of the United States. Membership in the Association for the Integration of the Whole Person will be denied or revoked if I interfere with or injure the rights of others, perform criminal acts, or practice medicine without a license. My service, whether for fee or gratuity, is limited to the areas for which I have been qualified.
Religious: "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith."
Spiritual: "of religion, sacred, devotional, or ecclesiastical; not lay or temporal."
The Association for the Integration of the Whole Person was founded so that spiritual persons, prepared to serve their communities, can do so in ways that assure the blessings of self-empowerment, psychologically and educationally, leading to peace for persons of goodwill.
Religious: "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith."
Spiritual: "of religion, sacred, devotional, or ecclesiastical; not lay or temporal."
The Association for the Integration of the Whole Person was founded so that spiritual persons, prepared to serve their communities, can do so in ways that assure the blessings of self-empowerment, psychologically and educationally, leading to peace for persons of goodwill.
Thank you.
Be Blessed,
Be Blessed,